Friday, December 19, 2008

6 month photos

This and That 2

Grammy had some fun lizzards for Easton to chew on. Who knew they would be the greatest chew toys ever!

Just a little lovin on Charlie. They're definately best buds.

Playing with Godfather Chris at his house.

The lizzards were such a hit at Grammy's house that we found some for him to have at home. $1 little treasures at Toys R Us. Can't beat that!

Spending some time with Uncle Andrew at Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving/Christmas at the Vetters

This was Easton's first experience opening presents. It might not have been the best time to judge his excitement about it, as it had been a long napless day. He did rip a few pieces of paper and chewed on whatever he could get to his mouth. As soon as all his gifts were opened he went right to sleep! Good thing he has many more Christmas get-togethers to practice the art of opening presents!

This and That 1

Well, Rebekah got on my case for not posting any new picture in the last month. Sorry about that! I keep downloading them with every intention to post them, then time just gets away from me. So I'm gonna try to make up for that today.

Easton has graduated to the big boy tub. Not sure he really cares, as long as he's got something to chew on while he's in there!

Feet have been the new discovery lately. He found them a while ago, but lately has really started to play with them and chew on them a little more. One night he was in the tub and tried to stick his face under the water to chew on his toes!