Thursday, September 24, 2009

Baby Cayden is here!

We got to go see baby cousin Cayden last Saturday evening for a short time. Easton was pretty excited to hug him...repeatedly! I wish I had a photo of that! He had to get up in Daddy's lap too when Elwin was holding him. Other than that, he didn't seem to be jealous of the baby at all. Hopefully he'll stay that way when his new brother or sister comes in February! My favorite part was when Easton was trying to hug him while Cayden was in his swing. The swing just kept going and bumping into him, and I don't think he understood that it didn't work too well! But he's all about the loving and I have no doubt that he'll be a great big brother!

I didn't think to take a photo of Earl, Crystal and Cayden! What a dummy! I'll get one next time.

We have babies everywhere! Good friends Carolyn and Brock just had their fourth last week, a little girl named Coy. And some more good friends, Jess and BJ, are having their third TODAY! I'm still waiting for the news there, but they know it's a boy. Another classmate and friend, Angela and her husband Kurt, will be having their first in a few weeks. And we're anxiously awaiting another new baby boy cousin to Auntie Kristen and Uncle Jeremy....hopefully in the next 2 weeks also! We should be all practiced up with the babies by the time little brother or sister arrives!

Finally some new pictures!

We tried to do our own little summertime (well, late summer) photoshoot. It was kindof a spur of the moment idea. We were in town with no major plans for the day. So we went to the park to take a few photos. Well, I've decided he doesn't like to take pictures for me. When we have Kristen (our professional photographer) do it, he sits so nice for her and looks at her....but not me! Luckily, I think Dana has some better pics on her camera, but she hasn't sent them to me yet. So maybe I'll post more when I get some from her.

I just thought this first picture was hilarious. It's the first one on my camera, and I think it's one of my's just silly!

He didn't want to sit for pictures at all. Come on, we were at the park! Ya gotta run around!

And that's what he did! Run, run, run.... I wish I had HALF that energy!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Picture from Dana from 7/25/09

Dana sent me a couple pictures last night. And since I haven't posted anything in a while, I thought I'd share them. They're from the weekend of July 25th, when we were in Kansas City to visit Dana and for a friend's bridal shower. Elwin, Easton, Dana and Justin went to Cabela's while I was at the shower. Thanks for the pix Dana! I'll try to get some stuff downloaded from the camera and up on here soon, although, I haven't been very good about taking pictures lately.