Monday, October 26, 2009

Early October

Here's a few photos from early October. We've spent a few evenings at the park, since our days finally seem to be calming down a bit now and we actually seem to have time to go. So on the nicer days, we try to stop by for a few minutes. The sitter has a new slide at her house that they play on inside, and he is LOVING that! So at the park the other day he told Momma and Grammy Dene "go down". That was the first time I'd heard him say 2 words together like that! He's much better about going down on his bottom now, but sometimes he'll even surprise ya and go head first! He's even mastered the big slide at the park, and even waits til you're behind him to climb up!

Easton gets naked time for about 5 minutes after a bath or shower. We're certain he's peed in the shower, so one would think he would be good to go for at least 5 minutes! Right? Well, so far that's proved true. But one day last week he hadn't even been out for 2 minutes, when he peed on my blowdryer on the floor in my room!!! Thank God he missed my shoes! And luckily I have a backup blowdryer!!! He sure does enjoy this "free" time though! We can't let him run around in only a diaper anymore, cuz he knows how to get that off! So it's 5 minutes after a bath and then the pants are back on. Darn Mom and Dad!

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