Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Funny videos

This is Easton's newest phrase, and he says it a lot! Usually it's a little clearer, but he really was stuck, and a little upset by the time I started filming.

We were sitting in the car this morning waiting for 7:30 to roll around so Easton could go to daycare. He was telling me what Santa says, so I thought I'd share it with you!

Visiting Santa

We went to see Santa this last weekend. Easton wasn't scared of him, but he wouldn't sit on his lap. The best we got was a high five! Cousin Cayden wasn't scared at all though!

After visiting Santa, we saw some beautiful horses giving carriage rides outside the mall. We didn't go for a ride, but Easton got to pet the horses.

In preparation of meeting Santa, I had gotten Easton a few books with Santa in them. This one is very large and doesn't fit on the shelf, but it has fun tabs to open up. Last night I found Easton sitting in my chair reading to himself.

Big boy bed

We got Easton a big boy bed two weeks ago. Thought we'd get him adjusted to not sleeping in the crib before the baby comes. Just one less thing that he has to adjust to at that time! Baby alone will be a big enough adjustment, I'm sure!

He really likes the bed since he can get in and out of it himself. He's fallen asleep in it every night (except maybe one), with Daddy or I (ok, only me once!) laying down with him. At night if we ask him if he's ready to go night-night, he'll tell us yes and go to him room and climb in bed after giving us hugs and kisses. Of course, he won't stay there himself yet, so we do have to lay with him. But it's better than me rocking him to sleep every night. We're making progress!

Easton found Mommy's cowboy boots the other day. He's all about wearing our shoes around, or making us put them on whether we want to or not!

Big Barn

For Christmas, Elwin built Easton a barn. It's not a little barn, by any means! It's a big barn! It can fit Tonka trucks and large tractors. If he tried, I'm sure Easton could get in it too! We got him some farm animals for Christmas too, and he just loves them. He carries the sheep and horse around. Apparently they're better than the pig and the cow! And at night, sometimes he'll put everything back in the barn to go to sleep. Sometimes.

We had a couple snow days, so we piled on the clothes and decided to try out the snow. The last attempt wasn't too successful, but this time it was a little better. Elwin pushed him around the slick driveway on a shovel, which he thought was pretty great for a while. It was in the single digits that day, so we only stayed out about 10 minutes. The sitter takes them out and pulls them on the sled and he loves that. We haven't made it out to sled yet, but it looks like we might have another chance in a day or two! Not much for timing, but when is snow ever timed just right?!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving Day at home (in our pj's!)

Photo album for Christmas cards

I just uploaded the photos we took at Thanksgiving so I can get them ordered for our Christmas cards. The link is attached so you can view them all. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and the Christmas season is starting out swell!

I'd like to share my Clark photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
Click here to view photos

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Facebook or not????

So I've been posting the same photos and videos on here and on Facebook. I'm wondering how many that view this blog also belong to Facebook and are seeing them twice. It's much easier to upload to Facebook, it seems. So, if you don't belong to FB, and would like me to keep uploading everything here, please respond in the comments section. If there are more than a few people, then I'll keep doing both. But if everyone is also viewing them on FB, then I'll just post links on here to let you know when there are new photos. Thanks!

Silly videos

Easton has been yelling "GO!" a lot lately! Sometimes it's "Ready, Set, Go!" or "Set, Go!" But GO seems to be the main point of it all! Sometimes we help him out and cheer him on (with hopes that it will tire him out!!!)

We've been working on animal sounds a lot lately. I'd been trying to teach him "Nay" for the horse for weeks now, but to no avail. All the sudden, on Monday, he points to the horse and says this:

I guess it's way more fun to say it that way!!! Maybe next we'll work on snorting instead of saying oink. He seems to smile and giggle more when ya snort anyway!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Easton's big thing right now is to do "touchdown" (hold his arms above his head as if signaling a touchdown). I'm sure you can imagine where he learned that! Anyway, he does it at random now. It's so darn funny. But lately, he's been doing it when he gets to the bottom of stairs too. He makes it all the way down, then throws his hands up and yells "DOWN!" This is the first I've seen him do it on the slide, and I'm so glad I left my camera on long enough to catch it on video. Cracks me up!!!

Frucks and Combines

We went to Osborne after the wedding on Saturday night, mainly because it was closer. But also because we'll be back up north all of this next weekend for Opening Pheasant weekend. Easton and Elwin took naps and played while Grammy Dene and I sewed a purse. We (mainly SHE) finished it in a couple hours, so we had some lunch and headed home.

On the way home we decided to make a couple pit stops in Beloit, as it was a beautiful day and seemed a waste to be in the car the whole time. So we stopped at Carrico's and looked at frucks (tractors) and combines. Apparently looking was okay, but touching didn't go over quite as well.

Another weekend, another wedding!

This weekend we went to Beloit for Elwin's cousin Jerry's wedding. Easton had a good time dancing and running around with cousin Kayla and the million other kids there. We were all pretty wiped by the end of the day! We made a small attempt several times to get a photo of the 3 cousins (Easton, Kayla and Cayden), but never got that accomplished. Hopefully at Christmas...

Finally remembered to take a photo of Crystal and Earl with baby Cayden. He was a very good sport for being passed around to as many people as he was! And of course, he tolerated Easton's hugs like a trooper!

Right before we left, so probably not the most flattering point of the day! Should've taken this one in the afternoon!

Silly Drummer Boy

Easton is a silly, silly drummer boy.....kinda.... If wearing the drum on your head counts! This is a favorite activity these days. Last night he brought me a sand bucket, and was very upset because it wouldn't fit down over his head! He brought it to me like I could do something to fix it! Sorry kiddo!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Football Game and Spooktacular

Vernie and Dennis gave us their tickets for the game this last weekend against Colorado. We had a great time. Easton made friends with the people around us and got to practice his touchdown motion. Although, when he was really getting into it, no one was scoring! But it was still fun to watch! And we won! Can't get any better than that! Oh yeah, unless you get to take a mid-game nap!

After the game we took Easton to the zoo for Spooktacular (trick or treating). We didn't care much about the candy, as we don't really feed him much yet. But we'd never gone to the zoo with him, and it was a nice day. Manhattan Zoo isn't huge, so we saw about everything in an hour. According to Easton, everything we saw was a kitty-cat, including the wallabys. I think he enjoyed the little monkeys. They were about the only animals that moved much while we were there! And we did see a baby chimp too! Hopefully next summer we can go to a bigger zoo.

This video is from last week sometime. Easton is really into all sorts of cars and trucks right now. Basically anything that has wheels. Even if it's foam and stationary, if he realizes it's a car, he'll drive it around! And hauling things is even better. (He gets that from his Daddy!)

I got a new camera today, so maybe I'll be a little better about taking pics and posting....MAYBE!

Early October

Here's a few photos from early October. We've spent a few evenings at the park, since our days finally seem to be calming down a bit now and we actually seem to have time to go. So on the nicer days, we try to stop by for a few minutes. The sitter has a new slide at her house that they play on inside, and he is LOVING that! So at the park the other day he told Momma and Grammy Dene "go down". That was the first time I'd heard him say 2 words together like that! He's much better about going down on his bottom now, but sometimes he'll even surprise ya and go head first! He's even mastered the big slide at the park, and even waits til you're behind him to climb up!

Easton gets naked time for about 5 minutes after a bath or shower. We're certain he's peed in the shower, so one would think he would be good to go for at least 5 minutes! Right? Well, so far that's proved true. But one day last week he hadn't even been out for 2 minutes, when he peed on my blowdryer on the floor in my room!!! Thank God he missed my shoes! And luckily I have a backup blowdryer!!! He sure does enjoy this "free" time though! We can't let him run around in only a diaper anymore, cuz he knows how to get that off! So it's 5 minutes after a bath and then the pants are back on. Darn Mom and Dad!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pictures from the farm

This last weekend we made a trip back to Osborne. It was a planned trip for my 10 year high school reunion. We did, however, end up going back a day early for my great uncle Math's funeral. So on Saturday, after the reunion lunch, we made a trip out to Uncle Math's farm. We got to see the house that my grandma and her brother and sisters had grown up in. I thought it was in surprisingly great shape! Easton had fun playing in the grass. It was a little tall and kinda hard for him to walk in. But he enjoyed himself anyway.

Oh, and before anyone emails to ask...those are mosquito bites on his head! Those buggies just love to nibble on him.

On the way back to town we decided to detour out to Uncle Ralph's farm, as he mentioned he had some new baby kitties. He also has a couple turkeys...one is rather large!!! Easton had a great time trying to chase the turkeys until I distracted him with the sighting of ducks. He chased those instead. Mom has some not so great memories of being chased by Grandma Sigle's turkeys!!!

I'm pretty sure Easton needs a baby kitty, but we really don't want another cat in the house. Ellie wouldn't like that. She's kinda a one-cat cat. Maybe someday we'll get an outside kitty...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Baby Cayden is here!

We got to go see baby cousin Cayden last Saturday evening for a short time. Easton was pretty excited to hug him...repeatedly! I wish I had a photo of that! He had to get up in Daddy's lap too when Elwin was holding him. Other than that, he didn't seem to be jealous of the baby at all. Hopefully he'll stay that way when his new brother or sister comes in February! My favorite part was when Easton was trying to hug him while Cayden was in his swing. The swing just kept going and bumping into him, and I don't think he understood that it didn't work too well! But he's all about the loving and I have no doubt that he'll be a great big brother!

I didn't think to take a photo of Earl, Crystal and Cayden! What a dummy! I'll get one next time.

We have babies everywhere! Good friends Carolyn and Brock just had their fourth last week, a little girl named Coy. And some more good friends, Jess and BJ, are having their third TODAY! I'm still waiting for the news there, but they know it's a boy. Another classmate and friend, Angela and her husband Kurt, will be having their first in a few weeks. And we're anxiously awaiting another new baby boy cousin to Auntie Kristen and Uncle Jeremy....hopefully in the next 2 weeks also! We should be all practiced up with the babies by the time little brother or sister arrives!

Finally some new pictures!

We tried to do our own little summertime (well, late summer) photoshoot. It was kindof a spur of the moment idea. We were in town with no major plans for the day. So we went to the park to take a few photos. Well, I've decided he doesn't like to take pictures for me. When we have Kristen (our professional photographer) do it, he sits so nice for her and looks at her....but not me! Luckily, I think Dana has some better pics on her camera, but she hasn't sent them to me yet. So maybe I'll post more when I get some from her.

I just thought this first picture was hilarious. It's the first one on my camera, and I think it's one of my favorites...it's just silly!

He didn't want to sit for pictures at all. Come on, we were at the park! Ya gotta run around!

And that's what he did! Run, run, run.... I wish I had HALF that energy!